Now a days in my opinion, people get fit or lose weight to look like their favorite celebrity or someone who they believe has the perfect body, when in reality everyone is different in their own way. As a trainer, I encourage everyone I work with to become the best you and only that. Losing weight or building muscle mass to try to look like someone else should not be the ultimate goal. The end goal is to live a healthier lifestyle and prevent sickness and disease that could possibly cut your life span short. In regards to losing weight, you should want to feel better, have more energy and be able to move and function properly without being tired or in pain.
I’ve done my fair share of comparing myself to others. Being in the fitness industry I’ve always wanted to resemble other trainers or look fitter than others. I wanted my body to look a certain way compared to others I’d see on social media. Then I came to the realization that everyone is different and I would never look like the next person or build my body up to look similar to someone else. I started training for me and to produce the best me. I stopped focusing on other people and the focus was on myself. My goals became easier to achieve and that is when I was able to target my weaknesses and work on those.
The first step in becoming a healthier you is to figure out your biggest struggles, your weaknesses and what you have the biggest issues dealing with. For example, if your biggest struggle is your eating habits, you work on formulating steps to help attack your struggles when it comes to eating and making the right food choices. Once you can identify and accept your struggles, weaknesses and other issues, you can then build attainable goals and/or solutions that will help you get past your obstacles.
After creating your goals, you formulate a program that is going to help reach those goals. For example, sticking with the eating habits, you begin to prep your meals so you have a clear idea of what you are going to eat throughout the week, instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to have for lunch or spending extra money to buy food which turns out to be more expensive. Once you develop your program towards your goals the next step is being consistent.
I preach to my clients and everyone I work with that consistency is key. In order to get better at something or to see the results you want, you have to be consistent. That means following the program you created and sticking to it. Practice does not make perfect, but permanent. The more you practice something it becomes a habit and it is adapted into your lifestyle. Everything takes time but once you are consistent is becomes easier.
So, don’t lose weight to look like someone, instead do it to become the best version of you, prevent diseases and live a healthier lifestyle!
Simply Inspiring Others.
About The Author
Siobhan Morales MS, ACSM, CSCS
Is the lead trainer at UFIT Studios located in Murfreesboro, She specializes in functional strength training. She is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and has a masters in Exercise Science from MTSU.