There is a saying that states ‘if it does not challenge you, it does not change you’. Many times we are afraid to take on challenges because the thought of failing or thinking we are not confident enough to take on the challenges that face us. We automatically back down and settle for what does not challenge us and there is no change in our lives, therefore we remain stagnant and there is no growth. It’s like exercising, if we lift the same amount of weight and do the same routine every time we workout, there will be no growth, there will be no progress and we plateau. Then frustration kicks in followed by lost of interest and lack of self-belief.
If we don’t believe in ourselves, who will? If we aren’t confident in the things that we do, how will we get better? If we don’t challenge ourselves, how will we grow? Life is all about taking risk and taking on new challenges. Life is about going beyond the limits and exploring our true capabilities. Challenges are not meant to be easy but to help us be better, wiser, stronger and more confident.
We can’t allow the fear of failure or other obstacles get in the way of us completing the things that challenge us because if we do, we will never grow and we will never experience change in our lives. Yes it may seem difficult and yes it might be tough at first, but if we don’t take that first step or attack what challenges us with a positive mindset, we will never get better. When we feel like giving up, think about why you made the sacrifice in the first place. It’s easy for negative thoughts to invade our minds when we are challenged and we allow those negative thoughts to consume our minds, but the first challenges is combatting those negative thoughts.
Once we rid ourselves of the negative thinking and begin to take steps towards what challenges us. The journey will be a lot easier. Whatever we think, we believe. Whatever to speak to ourselves, we act on it. So speak positive thoughts. Remind yourself that you can do it, although it may seem impossible at first.
Siobhan Morales, MS.ACSM.CSCS
Lead trainer at UFIT Studios
Simply Inspiring Others-S.I.O